Source code for bioLEC.LEC

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*
# Copyright (c) 2019 Tristan Salles
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL Version 3

import gc
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# For readthedoc...
    from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
    print('mpi4py is required and needs to be installed via pip')

# For readthedoc...
    from skimage import graph
except ImportError:
    print('scikit-image is required and needs to be installed via pip')

from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK

from pylab import rcParams
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

[docs]class landscapeConnectivity(object): """ *Landscape elevational connectivity* (**LEC**) quantifies the closeness of a site to all others with similar elevation. Such closeness is computed over a *graph* whose edges represent connections among sites and whose weights are proportional to the cost of spreading through patches at different elevation. Method: E. Bertuzzo et al., 2016: Geomorphic controls on elevational gradients of species richness - PNAS doi_ .. _doi: Args: filename (str): CSV file name containing regularly spaced elevation grid [default: None] XYZ (3D Numpy Array): 3D coordinates array of shape (nn,3) where nn is the number of points [default: None] Z (2D Numpy Array): Elevation array of shape (nx,ny) where nx and ny are the number of points along the X and Y axis [default: None] dx (float): grid spacing in metre when the Z argument defined above is used [default: None] periodic (bool): applied periodic boundary to the elevation grid see explanation_ [default: False] symmetric (bool): applied symmetric boundary to the elevation grid see explanation_ [default: False] sigmap (float): species niche width percentage based on elevation extent [default: 0.1] sigmav (float): species niche fixed width values [default: None] diagonals (bool): computes the path based on the diagonal moves as well as the axial ones eg. D4/D8 connectivity [default: True] delimiter (str): elevation grid csv delimiter [default: ' '] sl (float): sea level position used to remove marine points from the LEC calculation [default: -1.e6] .. _explanation: caution: There are 3 ways to import the elevation dataset in bioLEC: * either as a CSV file (argument: filename) containing 3 columns for X, Y and Z respectively with no header and ordered along the X axis first * or as a 3D numpy array (argument: XYZ) containing the X, Y and Z coordinates here again ordered along the X axis first * or as a 2D numpy array (argument: Z) containing the elevation matrix, in this case the dx argument is also required Note: It is worth noting that the boundary conditions are either symmetric or periodic. Although LEC simply depends on the elevation field and on the niche width, *LEC predicts well the alpha-diversity simulated by full metacommunity models*. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, XYZ=None, Z=None, dx=None, periodic=False, symmetric=False, sigmap=0.1, sigmav=None, diagonals=True, delimiter=' ', sl=-1.e6, test=False): # Set MPI communications self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self.size = self.comm.Get_size() self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank() self.test = test if self.rank == 0 and not self.test: print('bioLEC - LANDSCAPE ELEVATIONAL CONNECTIVITY') print('-------------------------------------------\n') # Read DEM file if filename is not None: self.demfile = filename df = pd.read_csv(self.demfile, sep=delimiter, engine='c', header=None, na_filter=False, dtype=np.float, low_memory=False) self.X = df.values[:,0] self.Y = df.values[:,1] self.Z = df.values[:,2] elif XYZ is not None: if XYZ.shape[1] != 3 : if self.rank == 0: print('Problem XYZ variable has to be defined with the following shape (nn,3) with nn the number of points!') return self.X = XYZ[:,0] self.Y = XYZ[:,1] self.Z = XYZ[:,2] if self.X[1]==self.X[0]: if self.rank == 0: print('Problem XYZ variable have to be ordered along the X axis first!') return elif Z is not None: if dx is None: if self.rank == 0: print('When using the Z argument then grid spacing [dx] has to be defined!') return nx = Z.shape[0] ny = Z.shape[1] xgrid = np.arange(0,nx*dx,dx) ygrid = np.arange(0,ny*dx,dx) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xgrid,ygrid) self.X = xi.flatten() self.Y = yi.flatten() self.Z = Z.flatten() else: if self.rank == 0: print('Problem either filename or XYZ or Z variables have to be declared for the function to run properly!') return dx = ( self.X[1] - self.X[0] ) if dx == 0: if self.rank == 0: print('Problem dx is set to 0!') return self.nx = int((self.X.max() - self.X.min())/dx+1) self.ny = int((self.Y.max() - self.Y.min())/dx+1) Z = self.Z.reshape(self.ny,self.nx) if periodic and symmetric: print('Warning: periodic boundary conditions have been set for this experiment!') print('In this current version, boundaries are either symmetric or periodic and cannot be both set to True.') print('See for more information') self.diagonals = diagonals if periodic: periodicZ = np.zeros((Z.shape[0]*3,Z.shape[1]*3)) kr0 = 0 for r in range(3): kr1 = kr0 + Z.shape[0] kc0 = 0 for c in range(3): kc1 = kc0 + Z.shape[1] periodicZ[kr0:kr1,kc0:kc1] = Z kc0 = kc1 kr0 = kr1 = periodicZ del periodicZ gc.collect() =[0] =[1] self.nr0 = int( self.nr1 = self.nr0 + int( self.nc0 = int( self.nc1 = self.nc0 + int( elif symmetric: nZ = [] kr0 = 0 symmetricZ = np.zeros((Z.shape[0]*3,Z.shape[1]*3)) nZ.append(Z[::-1,::-1]) nZ.append(np.flipud(Z)) nZ.append(Z[::-1,::-1]) nZ.append(np.fliplr(Z)) nZ.append(Z) nZ.append(np.fliplr(Z)) nZ.append(Z[::-1,::-1]) nZ.append(np.flipud(Z)) nZ.append(Z[::-1,::-1]) k=0 for r in range(3): kr1 = kr0 + Z.shape[0] kc0 = 0 for c in range(3): kc1 = kc0 + Z.shape[1] symmetricZ[kr0:kr1,kc0:kc1] = nZ[k] kc0 = kc1 k+=1 kr0 = kr1 = symmetricZ del symmetricZ gc.collect() =[0] =[1] self.nr0 = int( self.nr1 = self.nr0 + int( self.nc0 = int( self.nc1 = self.nc0 + int( else: = Z =[0] =[1] self.nr0 = 0 self.nr1 = self.nc0 = 0 self.nc1 = del Z gc.collect() self.sealevel = sl minz = max(,self.sealevel) =[<self.sealevel] = -1.e6 if sigmap is not None: sigma = ( - minz) * sigmap elif sigmav is not None: sigma = sigmav else: sigma = ( - minz) * sigmap if self.rank == 0: print('WARNING: Species niche width is not specified!') print('A default width is defined based on elevational range: {:.3f}'.format(sigma)) self.sigma2 = 2. * np.square(sigma) self.nNodes = * self.LEC = None return
[docs] def computeMinPath(self, r, c): """ **Internal function** to compute the minimum path between a specific node and all other ones. Args: c (int): row indice of the consider point r (int): column indice of a consider point Returns: mincost: minimum-cost path for the specified node. Note: This function relies on scikit-image_ (image processing in python) and finds distance-weighted minimum cost paths through an n-d costs array. .. _scikit-image: """ # Create the cost surface based on the square of the difference in elevation between the considered # node and all the others vertices weight = np.square( -[r, c] ) # From the weight-surface we create a 'landscape graph' object which can then be # analysed using distance-weighted minimum cost path cost = graph.MCP_Geometric( weight, fully_connected=self.diagonals ) # Calculate the least-cost distance from the start cell to all other cells return cost.find_costs(starts=[(r, c)])[0]
[docs] def splitRowWise(self): """ **Rowwise block partitioning** used to perform LEC computation in parallel. Returns: disps (1D array int): number of nodes to consider on each partition startID (1D array int): starting index for each partition endID (1D array int): ending index for each partition Note: From the number of processors (np) available split the array into equal number row wise. """ tmpA = np.zeros((, split = np.array_split(tmpA, self.size, axis = 0) split_sizes = [] for i in range(0,len(split),1): split_sizes = np.append(split_sizes, len(split[i])) split_sizes_input = split_sizes* endID = np.cumsum(split_sizes) startID = np.zeros(self.size,int) startID[1:] = np.asarray(endID[0:-1]) disps = np.insert(np.cumsum(split_sizes_input),0,0)[0:-1] del split_sizes_input gc.collect() del split_sizes gc.collect() del split gc.collect() del tmpA gc.collect() return disps, startID, endID.astype(int)
def _test_progress(self, job_title, progress): length = 20 block = int(round(length*progress)) msg = "\r{0}: [{1}] {2}%".format(job_title, "#"*block + "-"*(length-block), round(progress*100, 2)) if progress >= 1: msg += " DONE\r\n" sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def computeLEC(self, fout=500): """ This function computes the **minimum path for all nodes** in a given surface and **measure of the closeness** of each node to other at similar elevation range. It then provide the *landscape elevational connectivity* array from computed measure of closeness calculation. Args: fout (int): output frequency [default: 500] """ time0 = time.clock() startID = None endID = None disps = None if self.rank == 0: disps, startID, endID = self.splitRowWise() rsID = self.comm.bcast(startID, root=0) reID = self.comm.bcast(endID, root=0) if self.rank == 0 and self.size > 1: print("\n Define grid partition based on row number for parallel processing... " ) self.comm.Barrier() displacements = self.comm.bcast(disps, root = 0) del disps gc.collect() t1 = time.clock() if self.rank < self.size-1: steps = int(displacements[self.rank+1]) - int(displacements[self.rank]) else: steps = self.nNodes - int(displacements[self.rank]) if self.size > 1 and not self.test: print(' + Domain for processor {:3d} starts at row {:4d} and end at row {:4d}'.format(self.rank,rsID[self.rank],reID[self.rank])) del displacements gc.collect() self.comm.Barrier() if self.rank == 0 and not self.test: print("\n Starting LEC computation... \n " ) lc = reID[self.rank]-rsID[self.rank] localLEC = np.zeros((, k = 0 for r in range(rsID[self.rank],reID[self.rank]): for c in range(0, if k%fout==0 and k>0: if self.rank == 0 and not self.test: print(' + Compute closeness between sites in {:.2f} s - completion: {:.2f} %'.format(time.clock()-t1,k*100./steps)) if self.test: self._test_progress("Test bioLEC installation:", k/steps) t1 = time.clock() if[r,c]>=self.sealevel: localLEC += np.exp(-self.computeMinPath(r, c)/self.sigma2) k += 1 del startID gc.collect() del endID gc.collect() flatLEC = np.reshape(localLEC, (np.product(localLEC.shape),)) del localLEC gc.collect() if self.rank==0: valLEC = np.zeros_like(flatLEC) else: valLEC = None self.comm.Reduce(flatLEC, valLEC, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) del flatLEC gc.collect() if self.rank == 0: self.LEC = np.reshape(valLEC,(, if self.test: self._test_progress("Test bioLEC installation:", k/steps) if abs(int(self.LEC.sum())-4283765.)<=1.: if abs(int(self.LEC.max())-760.)<=1.: if abs(int(self.LEC.min())-26.)<=1.: print('All tests were successful...') else: print('Error when testing installation...',self.LEC.min()) else: print('Error when testing installation...',self.LEC.max()) else: print('Error when testing installation...',self.LEC.sum()) del valLEC gc.collect() if self.rank == 0 and not self.test: print('\n Landscape Elevation Connectivity calculation took: {:.2f} s'.format(time.clock()-time0)) return
[docs] def viewResult(self, imName=None, size=(9,5), fsize=11,,, dpi=200): """ This function **plots** and **saves** in a figure the result of the *LEC computation*. Args: imName (str): (string) image name with extension size : size of the image [default: (9,5)] fsize (int): title font size [default: 11] cmap1 : color map for elevation grid [default:] cmap2 : color map for LEC grid [default:] dpi (int): resolution of the saved image [default: 200] """ rcParams['figure.figsize'] = size fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2) fig.suptitle('Elevation grid and associated landscape elevational connectivity', fontsize=fsize) # SUBPLOT 1 ax1.set_title('Elevation', fontsize=fsize-1) im1 = ax1.imshow(np.flipud(,,, cmap=cmap1, aspect='auto') divider1 = make_axes_locatable(ax1) cax1 = divider1.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cbar1 = plt.colorbar(im1, cax=cax1) # Remove ticks from ax1 ax1.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax1.yaxis.set_visible(False) # SUBPLOT 2 ax2.set_title('LEC', fontsize=fsize-1) im2 = ax2.imshow(np.flipud(self.LEC), vmin=self.LEC.min(), vmax=self.LEC.max(), cmap=cmap2, aspect='auto') divider2 = make_axes_locatable(ax2) cax2 = divider2.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cbar2 = plt.colorbar(im2, cax=cax2) # Remove xticks from ax2 ax2.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax2.yaxis.set_visible(False) # Make space for title plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) if self.size == 1: if imName is not None: fig.savefig(imName, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) return
[docs] def viewElevFrequency(self, input=None, imName=None, nbins=80, size=(6,6), fsize=11, dpi=200): """ This function **plots** and **saves** in a figure the *distribution of elevation*. Args: input (str): CSV file name containing the dataset imName (str): (string) image name with extension nbins (int): number of bins for the histogram (default: 80) size : size of the image [default: (6,6)] fsize (int): title font size [default: 11] dpi (int): resolution of the saved image [default: 200] Warning: The filename needs to be provided without extension. """ data = pd.read_csv(input+'.csv') minZ = max(self.sealevel,data.Z.min()) ax = data.Z.plot(kind='hist', color='Blue', alpha=0.2, bins=nbins, xlim=(minZ,data.Z.max())) ax.set_title('Elevation frequency as function of site elevation', fontsize=fsize) plt.xlabel('Elevation', fontsize=fsize-1) fig = data.Z.plot(kind='density', figsize=size, ax=ax, xlim=(minZ,data.Z.max()), linewidth=4, fontsize = fsize-3, secondary_y=True, y='Density').get_figure() ax.set_ylabel('Frequency count', fontsize=fsize-1) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=fsize-3) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=fsize-3) plt.ylabel('Density', fontsize=fsize-1) if self.size == 1: if imName is not None: fig.savefig(imName, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) plt.close() del data gc.collect() return
[docs] def viewLECFrequency(self, input=None, imName=None, size=(6,6), fsize=11, dpi=200): """ This function **plots** and **saves** in a figure the *distribution of LEC with elevation*. Args: input (str): CSV file name containing the dataset imName (str): (string) image name with extension size : size of the image [default: (6,6)] fsize (int): title font size [default: 11] dpi (int): resolution of the saved image [default: 200] Warning: The filename needs to be provided without extension. """ data = pd.read_csv(input+'.csv') minZ = max(self.sealevel,data['Z'].min()) ff = data.plot(kind='scatter', x='Z', y='LEC', c='white', edgecolors='lightgray', figsize=size, xlim=(minZ,data['Z'].max()), s=5) ff.set_title('Landscape elevational connectivity as function of site elevation', fontsize=fsize) plt.xlabel('Elevation', fontsize=fsize-1) ff.set_ylabel('LEC', fontsize=fsize-1) ff.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=fsize-3) ff.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=fsize-3) if self.size == 1: if imName is not None: fig = ff.get_figure() fig.savefig(imName, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() del data gc.collect() return
[docs] def viewLECZbar(self, input=None, imName=None, nbins=40, size=(6,6), fsize=11, dpi=200): """ This function **plots** and **saves** in a figure the *distribution of LEC and elevation with elevation* as well as the *standard deviation for LEC values* for each bins. Args: input (str): CSV file name containing the dataset imName (str): (string) image name with extension nbins (int): number of bins for the histogram (default: 40) size : size of the image [default: (6,6)] fsize (int): title font size [default: 11] dpi (int): resolution of the saved image [default: 200] Warning: The filename needs to be provided without extension. """ data = pd.read_csv(input+'.csv') n, _ = np.histogram(data.Z, bins=nbins) sy, _ = np.histogram(data.Z, bins=nbins, weights=data.LEC) sy2, _ = np.histogram(data.Z, bins=nbins, weights=data.LEC*data.LEC) mean = sy / n std = np.sqrt(sy2/n - mean*mean) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=size) ax.set_title('Landscape elevational connectivity as function of site elevation with error bars', fontsize=fsize) plt.plot((_[1:] + _[:-1])/2, mean,color='steelblue',zorder=2,linewidth=3) plt.scatter(data.Z, data.LEC, c='w',edgecolors='lightgray', zorder=0,alpha=1.,s=5) minZ = max(data.Z.min(),self.sealevel) ax.set_xlim(minZ,data.Z.max()) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=fsize-3) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=fsize-3) plt.xlabel('Elevation', fontsize=fsize-1) plt.ylabel('LEC', fontsize=fsize-1) (_, caps, _) = plt.errorbar( (_[1:] + _[:-1])/2, mean, yerr=std, fmt='-o', c='steelblue',markersize=4, capsize=3,zorder=1,linewidth=1.25) for cap in caps: cap.set_markeredgewidth(1) ax2=ax.twinx() data.Z.plot(kind='density',secondary_y=True, ax=ax2, xlim=(minZ,data.Z.max()), color='green', linewidth=3, zorder=0, fontsize = fsize-3) plt.ylabel('Density', color='green', fontsize=fsize-1) plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=fsize-3) plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=fsize-3) if self.size == 1: if imName is not None: fig.savefig(imName, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() del data, _, n, sy, sy2, mean, std, caps gc.collect() return
[docs] def viewLECZFrequency(self, input=None, imName=None, size=(6,6), fsize=11, dpi=200): """ This function **plots** and **saves** in a figure the *distribution of LEC and elevation with elevation*. Args: input (str): CSV file name containing the dataset imName (str): (string) image name with extension size : size of the image [default: (6,6)] fsize (int): title font size [default: 11] dpi (int): resolution of the saved image [default: 200] Warning: The filename needs to be provided without extension. """ data = pd.read_csv(input+'.csv') minZ = max(self.sealevel,data['Z'].min()) ax = data.plot(kind='scatter', x='Z', y='LEC', c='white', edgecolors='lightgray', figsize=size, xlim=(minZ,data['Z'].max()), s=5) ax.set_title('Landscape elevational connectivity as function of site elevation', fontsize=fsize) plt.xlabel('Elevation', fontsize=fsize-1) ax2=ax.twinx() fig = data.Z.plot(kind='density',secondary_y=True, ax=ax2, xlim=(minZ,data['Z'].max()), fontsize = fsize-3, linewidth=4).get_figure() ax.set_ylabel('LEC', fontsize=fsize-1) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=fsize-3) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=fsize-3) plt.ylabel('Density', fontsize=fsize-1) if self.size == 1: if imName is not None: fig.savefig(imName, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) plt.close() del data gc.collect() return
[docs] def writeLEC(self, filename='LECout'): """ This function writes the computed landscape elevational connectivity array in a **CSV file** and create a **VTK visualisation file** (.vts). Args: filename (str): output file name without format extension. Warning: The filename needs to be provided without extension. """ time0 = time.clock() if self.rank == 0: XX = self.X.flatten() YY = self.Y.flatten() ZZ = self.Z.flatten() LL = self.LEC[self.nr0:self.nr1,self.nc0:self.nc1].flatten() df = pd.DataFrame({'X':XX,'Y':YY,'Z':ZZ,'LEC':LL}) df.to_csv(filename+'.csv', columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'LEC'], sep=',', index=False , header=1) vtkfile = filename XX = XX.reshape(self.ny,self.nx) YY = YY.reshape(self.ny,self.nx) ZZ = ZZ.reshape(self.ny,self.nx) LL = LL.reshape(self.ny,self.nx) Xv = np.zeros((self.ny,self.nx,2)) Yv = np.zeros((self.ny,self.nx,2)) Zv = np.zeros((self.ny,self.nx,2)) LECv = np.zeros((self.ny,self.nx,2)) normLEC = np.zeros((self.ny,self.nx,2)) Xv[:,:,0] = XX Yv[:,:,0] = YY Zv[:,:,0] = ZZ LECv[:,:,0] = LL normLEC[:,:,0] = LL/LL.max() Xv[:,:,1] = XX Yv[:,:,1] = YY Zv[:,:,1] = ZZ LECv[:,:,1] = LL normLEC[:,:,1] = LL/LL.max() gridToVTK(vtkfile, Xv, Yv, Zv, pointData = {"elevation" : Zv, "LEC" :LECv, "nLEC" :normLEC}) del XX,YY, ZZ, LL, Xv, Yv, Zv, LECv, normLEC self.comm.Barrier() if self.rank == 0: print('\n Writing results on disk took: {:.2f} s'.format(time.clock()-time0)) return